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    Younsang Cho | 2022.05.09
Environmental Analysis, Health and Toxicology (EAHT) is an official journal of the Korean Society of Environmental Health and Toxicology (KOSEHT)
and the Korean Society for Environmental Analysis (KSFEA), and provides high quality scientific information on environmental analysis, health and
toxicologychemicals in the various environmental media and related effects on human and ecosystem health, specific areas including chemical and
biological analysis of environmental contamination, ecotoxicology and risk assessment, environmental chemistry, human toxicology and risk
assessment, environmental epidemiology, environmental exposure assessment, to encourage research, policy development and education on these
fields. Contributions of original articles, systemic reviews, meeting or conference reports, brief reports, case reports, investigation reports,
special topics, perspectives, editorials, letters to the editor and responses, and debates are welcome.
EAHT is an open access electronic journal publishing peer-reviewed articles. The journal publishes four issues a year (on the last day of March,
June, September, and December). Once an article is accepted, it will subsequently be published in both fully browsable web form and as a formatted
PDF. The article will then be available through EAHT website (https://www.eaht.org) and also indexed in Scopus (https://www.scopus.com/), PubMed
(https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/), PubMed Central (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/), Google Scholar (https://scholar.google.com/), KoreaMed
(https://koreamed.org/), and Science Central (https://www.e-sciencecentral.org).

Scientific integrity: research and publication ethics
EAHT follows the Guidelines on Good Publication (http://publicationethics.org/) or Good Publication Practice Guidelines for Medical Journals of
the Korean Association of Medical Journal Editors (http://kamje.or.kr). Authors must perform the research in accordance with principles of the
Declaration of Helsinki(https://www.wma.net/policies-post/wma-declaration-of-helsinki-ethical-principles-for-medical-research-involving-human-

1. Conflict of interest statement
Conflict of interest exists when an author (or the author¡¯s institution), reviewer, or editor has financial or personal relationships that
inappropriately influence (bias) his or her actions (such relationships are also known as dual commitments, competing interests, or competing
loyalties). These relationships vary from being negligible to having great potential for influencing judgment. Not all relationships represent
true conflict of interest. On the other hand, the potential for conflict of interest can exist regardless of whether an individual believes that
the relationship affects his or her scientific judgment. Financial relationships (such as employment, consultancies, stock ownership, honoraria,
and paid expert testimony) are the most easily identifiable conflicts of interest and the most likely to undermine the credibility of the journal,
the authors, and of science itself. However, conflicts can occur for other reasons, such as personal relationships, academic competition, and
intellectual passion (http://icmje.org/ethical_4conflicts.html). If there are any conflicts of interest, authors should disclose them in the
manuscript. The conflicts of interest may occur during research process; however, important point is the disclosure itself. If there is a
disclosure, editors, reviewers, and reader can approach the manuscripts after understanding the situation where the research work was processed.

2. Statement of human and animal rights, informed consent and institutional review board approval
Human research should be done in accordance of the Ethical Principles for Medical Research Involving Human Subjects, outlined in the Helsinki
Declaration of 1975 (revised 2013), available from: https://www.wma.net/policies-post/wma-declaration-of-helsinki-ethical-principles-for-medical-
research-involving-human-subjects/. Clinical studies that do not meet the Helsinki Declaration will not be considered for publication. Human
subjects should not be identifiable, such that patients¡¯ names, initials, hospital numbers, dates of birth, or other protected healthcare
information should not be disclosed. For animal subjects, research should be performed based on the National or Institutional Guide for the Care
and Use of Laboratory Animals, and the ethical treatment of all experimental animals should be maintained. Copies of written informed consents
should be kept for studies on human subjects. For the clinical and epidemiological studies of human subjects, there should be a certificate,
agreement, or approval by the institutional review board (IRB). Approval and compliance with research requirements regarding human subjects must
be noted, and information regarding informed consent procedures must be described in the ¡°Methods¡± section of manuscripts concerning human
subjects research. Authors should assure in the ¡°Methods¡± section of manuscript that animals used in a study have been treated humanely and with
regard for the alleviation of suffering, and that the protocol was approved by an institutional animal care and use committee.

3. Registration of the clinical trial research
Any research that deals with clinical trial should be registered to the primary national clinical trial registration site such as Korea Clinical
Research Information Service (http://cris.nih.go.kr), other primary national registry sites accredited by World Health Organization
(https://www.who.int/clinical-trials-registry-platform/network/primary/en) or ClinicalTrials.gov (https://www.clinicaltrials.gov/), a service of
the US National Institutes of Health.

4. Authorship
Each author should have participated sufficiently in the work to take public responsibility for appropriate portions of the content and should
meet the authorship criteria of the Uniform Requirement for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals (http://icmje.org/ethical_1author.html).
One or more authors should take responsibility for the integrity of the work as a whole, from inception to published article. Authorship credit
should be based only on: 1) substantial contributions to conception and design, acquisition of data, or analysis and interpretation of data; 2)
drafting the article or revising it critically for important intellectual content; 3) final approval of the version to be published; and 4)
agreeing to be accountable for all aspects of the work in ensuring that the questions related to the accuracy or integrity of any part of the work
are appropriately investigated and resolved. Authors should meet these 4 conditions. If the number of authors is greater than 6, there should be a
list of each author¡¯s role for the submitted paper. If any persons who do not meet above 4 criteria, they may be placed as contributors in
Acknowledgements section. The addition of an author to a manuscript under review is possible only with the editor¡¯s approval. Changes in
authorship cannot be made after the manuscript is accepted for publication. Multiple first authors can be accepted if corresponding author
believes that the authors contributed equally while co-corresponding authors are not allowed.

5. Originality and duplicate publication
Contributions submitted to EAHT must be original works of the author(s) and must not have been previously published in print or online or
simultaneously submitted to another publication. Dissertations/theses are not regarded as prior publication. Presentation of original results
prior to publication at scientific meetings is generally encouraged. The contents published as the proceedings or presentations in academic
conference but not as the whole papers can be submitted to EAHT. EAHT supports posting of research articles on not-for-profit preprint servers
such as arXiv.org, bioRxiv.org, ChemRxiv.org, medRxiv.org, and the like. Distribution on the Internet in other ways may be considered prior
publication. Authors should send related materials (published, in press or in reviewing) with the submitted manuscript to the editorial board. It
is mandatory for all authors to resolve any copyright and plagiarism issues when citing a figure or table from a different journal that is not
open access.

6. Secondary publication
It is possible to republish manuscripts if the manuscripts satisfy the condition of secondary publication of the Uniform Requirements for
Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals by International Committee of Medical Journal Editors¡¯, available from:
http://www.icmje.org/publishing_4overlap.html as followings: Certain types of articles, such as guidelines produced by governmental agencies and
professional organizations, may need to reach the widest possible audience. In such instances, editors sometimes deliberately publish material
that is also being published in other journals, with the agreement of the authors and the editors of those journals. Secondary publication for
various other reasons, in the same or another language, especially in other countries, is justifiable and can be beneficial provided that the
following conditions are met. The authors have received approval from the editors of both journals (the editor concerned with secondary
publication must have a photocopy, reprint, or manuscript of the primary version). The priority of the primary publication is respected by a
publication interval of at least one week (unless specifically negotiated otherwise by both editors). The paper for secondary publication is
intended for a different group of readers; an abbreviated version could be sufficient. The secondary version faithfully reflects the data and
interpretations of the primary version.
The footnote on the title page of the secondary version informs readers, peers, and documenting agencies that the paper has been published in
whole or in part and states the primary reference. A suitable footnote might read: ¡°This article is based on a study first reported in the [title
of journal, with full reference].¡± Permission for such secondary publication should be free of charge. The title of the secondary publication
should indicate that it is a secondary publication (complete republication, abridged republication, complete translation, or abridged translation)
of a primary publication.

7. Process to manage the research and publication misconduct
When the Journal faces suspected cases of research and publication misconduct such as redundant (duplicate) publication, plagiarism, fabricated
data, changes in authorship, undisclosed conflict of interest, ethical problem with a submitted manuscript, a reviewer who has appropriated an
author¡¯s idea or data, complaints against editors, etc., the resolving process will be followed by flowchart provided by the Committee on
Publication Ethics (https://publicationethics.org/guidance/Flowcharts). The discussion and decision on the suspected cases are done by editorial

Preparation of manuscript
Manuscripts written in English are accepted. Manuscripts should include abstract, key words, manuscript body, acknowledgements, references, tables
and figures if any. Authors should use an MS word template file to prepare the manuscript. The template file is available at https://eaht.org. A
cover letter is required and attached to the on-line submission system. Supplementary data to the manuscript could be submitted separately.

1. Cover letter
You should supply an approximately one-page cover letter that:

Concisely summarizes why your paper is a valuable addition to the scientific literature
Briefly relates your study to previous published work
Specifies the type of article you are submitting (ex, original article, review, brief report, etc.)
Describes any prior interactions with EAHT regarding the submitted manuscript
2. Title, authors and their affiliations
Specification of study design in the manuscript title is recommended. The first letter in the first word should be written with capital letters in
manuscript title, authors¡¯ name and their affiliations. The abbreviations should not be used in the manuscript title. Title should not be over 15
words. It is required to specify type of manuscript. Available types of manuscript are found below. Affiliation should indicate institutional
affiliation, address, city, zip code and country.
Multiple authors should be numbered at the ends of the names, like 1, 2, 3 as a superscription, and also numbered with the same numbers in front
of their affiliations. Authors¡¯ names should be listed with ¡°,¡± in between. If author¡¯s current affiliations are different from those at the time
the study performing, write the past affiliation first followed by the current one. Do not use abbreviations in names of authors and affiliations.
Open Researcher and Contributor IDs (ORCIDs) of all authors are recommended to be present and the corresponding author should be indicated.

3. Abstract
Abstracts should appear on a separate page and be no more than 300 words in length, and describe concisely, in a paragraph the objectives,
methods, important results, and derived conclusions of the study are included in an unstructured format. For original articles, systemic reviews,
meta-analysis, meeting or conference reports, brief reports, investigation reports, special topics, case reports, perspectives and hypothesis
should provide an unstructured abstract. No abstract is required for editorials, letters to the editor and responses, and debates. References
should not be included in abstracts and abbreviations should be used sparingly.

4. Key words
Authors should provide a list of no more than six keywords below the abstract.

5. Manuscript body
The manuscript body should follow the requisites of each type of paper. In text, tables, and legends, identify references with Arabic numerals in
square brackets, such as [1], [2], [3]. Authors¡¯ last names should be cited in English. For two authors, connect the names by ¡°and.¡± For citations
of three or more authors, include the first author¡¯s last name followed by ¡°et al.¡±
There are no strict formatting requirements of the manuscripts. Original articles, systemic reviews, meta-analysis, meeting or conference reports,
brief reports, investigation reports, special topics, case reports, and perspectives may include following sub sections:
- Introduction should include the backgrounds and purposes of the study and avoid a comprehensive literature review.
- Methods should be described in detail as possible and can be summarized briefly and cited the reference in case of already established methods.
- Results should avoid the redundant presentation in tables and figures and may be combined with discussion.
- In a separate discussion part, do not repeat the presentation of study results and do interpret the results.
- Conclusions may be added at the end of the manuscript body summarizing the original contributions of the manuscript.

6. Acknowledgements
In between the manuscript body and reference lists, authors can describe acknowledgements and declare conflicts of interest.

7. References
Authors are responsible for the accuracy and completeness of references used in the manuscript. All references should be written in English.
References written in other languages are indicated by writing (Korean, Japanese, Chinese, etc.) at the end. References should be numbered
sequentially and cited in their order of use in the main body of the manuscript. References should be cited according to the system in the Index
Medicus used by the American National Library of Medicine as shown in the following examples. Those not shown in the examples should be cited
according to ¡°Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals¡± (http://www.icmje.org). Avoid using ¡°abstracts,¡± ¡°unpublished
observations¡± and ¡°personal communications¡± as references.

For six or fewer authors, list the surnames and initials of all authors; for seven or more list the first six authors and add et al., title of
article, name of journal abbreviated according to Index Medicus style, year, volume, issue, first and last page numbers.

[1] Kwon JH, Katz LE, Liljestrand HM. Use of a parallel artificial membrane system to evaluate passive absorption and elimination in small fish.
Environ Toxicol Chem 2006;25(12):3083-3092.

[2] Kim HH, Yang JY, Kim SD, Yang SH, Lee CS, Shin DC, et al. Health risks assessment in children for phthalate exposure associated with childcare
facilities and indoor playgrounds. Environ Health Toxicol 2011 [cited 2020 Jul 8];26:e2011008. Available from:
https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3214980/ DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.5620%2Feht.2011.26.e2011008

[3] Landis WG, Sofield RM, Yu MH. Introduction to environmental toxicology: molecular substructures to ecological landscapes. 4th ed. CRC Press;
2011, 13-33.

[4] Shreeve DF. Reactive attachment disorder: a case-based approach. Springer; 2012 [cited 2012 Nov 2] 85. Available from:

[5] Beckett WS, Nordberg GF, Clarkson TW. Routes of exposure, dose and metabolism of metals. In: Nordberg GF, Fowler BA, Nordberg M, Friberg L,
editors. Handbook on the toxicology of metals. 3rd ed. Academic Press; 2005. 3964.

[6] International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC). Agents classified by the IARC monographs, volumes 1-102. IARC monographs on the evaluation
of carcinogenic risks to humans [cited Feb 6, 2012]. Available from: http://monographs.iarc.fr/ENG/ Classification/ClassificationsGroupOrder.pdf.

[7] United States, Environmental Protection Agency (US EPA). Learn about lead. [cited Feb 6, 2017]. Available from: http://www.epa.gov/lead/learn-

[8] Kim YS. Association between heavy metal exposure and dental caries in children [dissertation]. Cheonan: Dankook University; 2011 (Korean).

[9] Yin NY, Zhou QF, Liu SJ, Jiang GB. Neurotoxicity studies of silver nanoparticles. In: 7th International Conference on Marine Pollution and
Ecotoxicology. Hong Kong: The University of Hong Kong; 2013.

8. Tables and figures
The use of tables, figures, and photographs that supplement the text are recommended but should not duplicate material found in the body of the
manuscript. Tables and figures should be presented in English and prepared with separate files. They should be placed at approximate locations in
the manuscript body. Titles for tables and figures should be self-explanatory with the first word written with an upper case letter and the rest
in lower case letters. The same principle is applied to the content of a table or figure. Tables are prepared with no horizontal or vertical
dividing lines. Each table and figure should be presented in a separate page and do not exceed one page for each as possible. If the table covers
more than one page, note ¡°(continued)¡± at the end of title of the successive tables. Explanations for and abbreviations used in tables and figures
are included as footnotes. Footnotes are indicated by superscript numbers in alphabetical order (a,b,c,...). All numbers should be expressed to 2
digits to the right of the decimal points after rounding, otherwise specified. A p-value may be indicated as follows in the footnotes: +p<0.1,
*p<0.05, **p<0.01, ***p<0.001.

Authors must submit illustrations on electronic files. Each figure must be in a good quality higher than 300 dpi resolution with good contrast and

9. Abbreviations
All non-standard abbreviations (organochlorine pesticides [OCPs], limit of detection [LOD], polymerase chain reaction [PCR]) and chemical
compounds (e.g., polychlorinated biphenyls, PCBs; carbon dioxide, CO2) should be defined in the text on first use and abbreviated thereafter. Do
not use non-standard unit of measure as possible. The names of chemical compounds should be met the rule of nomenclature of the International
Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC). Use generic name rather than brand name unless the brand name itself is important for the study
purposes. Use Arabic number for all numbers, small p for probability, % for percentage, meter for length, ¢ªC for temperature, mmHg for blood
pressure, and g/dL for hemoglobin. Follow the methods (meter, kilogram, liter) of the International System of Units (SI units), otherwise
specified. Let a space in between the measured number and unit.

10. Language and style
EAHT request that all accepted manuscripts contain CRediT (Contributor Roles Taxonomy) author statement. CRediT offers authors the opportunity to
share an accurate and detailed description of their diverse contributions to the published work. The corresponding author is responsible for
ensuring that the descriptions are accurate and agreed by all authors.
The role(s) of all authors should be listed, using the relevant categories. Authors may have contributed in multiple roles. CRediT statements
should be provided at the end of the manuscript during the submission process and will appear above the acknowledgement section of the published
paper as shown further below.

11. CRediT author statement
EAHT request that all accepted manuscripts contain CRediT (Contributor Roles Taxonomy) author statement. CRediT offers authors the opportunity to
share an accurate and detailed description of their diverse contributions to the published work. The corresponding author is responsible for
ensuring that the descriptions are accurate and agreed by all authors.
The role(s) of all authors should be listed, using the relevant categories. Authors may have contributed in multiple roles. CRediT statements
should be provided at the end of the manuscript during the submission process and will appear above the acknowledgement section of the published
paper as shown further below.

Sample CRediT author statement
AA: Conceptualization, Methodology, Software BB: Data curation, Writing- Original draft preparation. CC: Visualization, Investigation. DD:
Supervision, Writing- Reviewing and Editing.

Term Definition
Conceptualization Ideas; formulation or evolution of overarching research goals and aims
Methodology Development or design of methodology; creation of models
Software Programming, software development; designing computer programs; implementation of the computer code and supporting algorithms;
testing of existing code components
Validation Verification, whether as a part of the activity or separate, of the overall replication/ reproducibility of results/experiments
and other research outputs
Formal analysis Application of statistical, mathematical, computational, or other formal techniques to analyze or synthesize study data
Investigation Conducting a research and investigation process, specifically performing the experiments, or data/evidence collection
Resources Provision of study materials, reagents, materials, patients, laboratory samples, animals, instrumentation, computing resources, or
other analysis tools
Data Curation Management activities to annotate (produce metadata), scrub data and maintain research data (including software code, where it is
necessary for interpreting the data itself) for initial use and later reuse
Writing - Original draft Preparation Creation and/or presentation of the published work, specifically writing the initial draft (including
substantive translation)
Writing - Review & Editing Preparation, creation and/or presentation of the published work by those from the original research group,
specifically critical review, commentary or revision including pre-or postpublication stages
Visualization Preparation, creation and/or presentation of the published work, specifically visualization/ data presentation
Supervision Oversight and leadership responsibility for the research activity planning and execution, including mentorship external to the
core team
Project administration Management and coordination responsibility for the research activity planning and execution
Funding acquisition Acquisition of the financial support for the project leading to this publicationBrand et al. (2015) Learned Publishing
12. Others: a note on reporting guidelines
Authors are encouraged to follow the specific guidelines according to their relevant design and research methods:

- We encourage the use of the Sex and Gender Equity in Research (SAGER) guidelines for reporting of sex and gender information in study design,
data analyses, results and interpretation. This includes the correct use of the terms sex (when reporting biological factors) and gender (when
reporting identity, psychosocial, or cultural factors) and, unless inappropriate, reporting the sex and/or gender of study participants, the sex
of animals or cells, and description of the methods used to determine sex and gender. If the study was done involving an exclusive population, for
example in only one sex, authors should justify why, except in obvious cases (e.g., prostate cancer). Authors should define how they determined
race or ethnicity and justify their relevance.

- Randomized controlled trial: CONSORT (Consolidated Standards of Reporting Trials) at http://www.consort-statement.org/. Authors should include
the CONSORT flow diagram in the Methods section. All clinical trials must be registered before submission of the manuscript. Please refer to trial
registries listed at http://www.icmje.org/.

- Diagnostic tests: STARD (Standards for Reporting of Diagnostic Accuracy) at http://www.stard-statement.org/.

- Observational studies: STROBE (Strengthening the Reporting of Observational Studies in Epidemiology) at http://www.strobe-statement.org/.

- Nonrandomized controlled trial: TREND (Transparent Reporting of Evaluations with Nonrandomized Desings) at

- Systemic reviews and meta-analysis on randomized trials: PRISMA (Preferred Reporting of Items of Systemic Reviews and Meta-analyses) at

- Meta-analysis of observational studies: MOOSE (Meta-analysis of Observational Studies in Epidemiology) at

13. ORCID (Open Researcher and Contributor ID)
ORCID of all authors are recommended to be provided. To have ORCID, authors should register in the ORCID web site available from:
https://orcid.org/. Registration is free to every researchers in the world.

Type of manuscript
- Original articles present scientific research and discovery in the field of environmental analysis, health and toxicology. The main text must
follow the standard EAHT format, with Introduction and separate sections for Methods, Results and Discussion.

- Systemic reviews provide an overview, integration of information, and critical analysis of a particular field of research or theme related to
the scope of EAHT. Previous research should be comprehensively reviewed regardless of whether the findings are consistent with expectations or the
review authors¡¯ hypotheses. It is appropriate for authors to discuss the strengths and weaknesses of individual studies, focus on high-quality
studies that add to the weight of the evidence on the topic under review, identify information gaps, and make recommendations for future research.

- Meta-analyses present, contrast, or combine data across studies to address a specific study question related to environmental analysis, health
and toxicology. Inclusion criteria and strategies used to search the literature should be explicitly described, along with analytic methods used
to evaluate or combine data. The potential for publication bias and heterogeneity among studies should be investigated, and graphical displays of
data contributed by individual studies are encouraged. The strengths and weaknesses of individual studies and potential causes of discordant
findings among studies also should be discussed. Authors should integrate and critically analyze information from previous research, identify
information gaps, and make recommendations for future research.

- Meeting or Conference reports are intended to provide an overview of outcomes of conferences, symposia, or workshops. Authors should submit
reports that review the state of the science for a particular area, identify research gaps and needs, and explain how the outcome of the
conference addresses those gaps and needs. De novo data, participant lists, dialogue of workgroups or committees, and discussion of the internal
organization of the meeting are not allowed. Meeting reports must be submitted to EAHT no later than 1 year after the events they describe.
Prospective authors should consult with the editor-in-chief before submitting a Meeting report. The word limit of text is 5,000, with up to 50

- Brief reports are short reports of original studies or evaluations.

- Case reports present case presentations of patients with a direct or indirect link of relevance to environmental exposures and environmental
health. Visual images or other graphics are encouraged.

- Investigation reports are epidemiological investigation reports on community health effects or outbreak in relation with environmental exposure
or event. Brief description of the exposure circumstances, methods and results of the epidemiological investigation should be presented.

- Special topics can be made by the decision of editorial boards which invite authors to write manuscripts.

- Perspectives (including commentaries) present a forum for raising awareness to timely environmental analysis, health and toxicological issues.
It provides an opportunity for authors to offer their critical evaluation of recent trends and advances within the scope of EAHT.

- Editorials are short presentation on any issue related to environmental analysis, health and toxicology and EAHT by the editorial boards or
authors requested by the editorial boards. Editorials do not undergo peer review.

- Letters to the editor and Responses should address specific scientific issues or questions raised by the article published. Authors cited in the
Letters may be given the opportunity to respond. It may include a brief table or small figure if it is critical to the discussion.

- Debates will serve as a forum for discussing controversy and critical issues in environmental analysis, health and toxicology. Typically, two
articles address a controversial topic presenting different or opposing viewpoints. The editorial member will commission the articles for debate,
but authors are welcome to suggest potential topics of interest and to inquire about possible submission.

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Copyright© The Korean Society of Environmental Health and Toxicology/Korea Society for Environmental Analysis.
Division of Environmental Science and Ecological Engineering, Korea University
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